whb.h File Reference

Class Whb: stabilized hierarchical basis library. More...

#include <mc/mc_base.h>
#include <mc/bam.h>

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struct  sHBmat
 struct HBmat Definition More...
struct  sHBvec
 struct HBvec Definition More...
struct  sBchar
 struct Bchar Definition More...


typedef struct sHBmat HBmat
 Declaration of the HBmat class as the HBmat structure.
typedef struct sHBvec HBvec
 Declaration of the HBvec class as the HBvec structure.
typedef struct sBchar Bchar
 Declaration of the Bchar class as the Bchar structure.


enum  HBMATtype {
 Class Whb: Parameters and datatypes.


void HBvec_hbVcyc (HBvec *dd, HBmat *Ahb, HBvec *rr, HBmat *Ghb, HBvec *ww, int key, int csolv)
 Hierarchical Basis MG Vcycle (Bank, Dupont, and Yserentant).
void HBvec_initStructure (HBvec *thee, HBmat *Ahb)
 Creates a chain of HBvec pointers to a Bvec.
void HBvec_killStructure (HBvec *thee)
 Kills a chain of HBvec pointers.
void HBmat_initG (HBmat *thee, Bmat *Ppro, Bmat *Mlink, int meth)
 Assembles the change of basis matrices for the HB Vcycle.
void HBmat_initA (HBmat *Ahb, HBmat *Ghb, Bmat *Alink)
 Assembles the hierarchical matrix for the HB Vcycle.
void HBmat_killStructure (HBmat *thee)
 Kills a chain of HBmat pointers.
void Bvec_hlmethod (Bvec *thee, Bmat *A, Bvec *f, Bvec *r, Bvec *ut, int key, int flag, int itmax, double etol, int prec, int cycle, Bmat *P, Bmat *M, int meth)
 Executes one of a number of hierarchical linear solvers.
void Bvec_hb (Bvec *thee, Bmat *A, Bvec *f, Bvec *r, Bvec *ut, int key, int flag, int itmax, double etol, int meth, Bmat *Ppro, Bmat *M)
 HBMG algorithm due to Bank, Dupont, and Yserentant.
void Bvec_hcg (Bvec *thee, Bmat *A, Bvec *f, Bvec *r, Bvec *ut, int key, int flag, int itmax, double etol, int prec, Bmat *P, Bmat *M, Bvec *p, Bvec *ap, Bvec *bap, Bvec *po, Bvec *apo, Bvec *tp)
 CG method with Bvec_hb as an optional preconditioner.
void Bvec_hbcg (Bvec *thee, Bmat *A, Bvec *f, Bvec *r, Bvec *ut, int key, int flag, int itmax, double etol, int prec, Bmat *P, Bmat *M, Bvec *s, Bvec *p, Bvec *ap, Bvec *bap, Bvec *po, Bvec *apo, Bvec *q, Bvec *atq, Bvec *btatq, Bvec *qo, Bvec *atqo)
 Bvec_hbcg with Bvec_hb as an optional preconditioner.
void HBmat_initMulti (HBmat **Ahb, HBmat **Ghb, Bmat *A, Bmat *M, Bmat *Ppro, int meth)
 Assembles the hierarchical matrix structures for the HB Vcycle.
void HBmat_killMulti (HBmat **Ahb, HBmat **Ghb)
 Destruct the hierarchical structures.
HBmatHBmat_ctor (Vmem *vmem, const char *bname, int pnumB)
 The HBmat constructor.
void HBmat_dtor (HBmat **thee)
 The HBmat destructor.
HBvecHBvec_ctor (Vmem *vmem, const char *bname, int pnumB)
 The HBvec constructor.
void HBvec_dtor (HBvec **thee)
 The HBvec destructor.
BvecBvec_ctorPoint (Bvec *v, const char *name, int *ibase, int *numR)
 Create a Bvec pointer to the tail of a Bvec.
void Bvec_dtorPoint (Bvec **thee)
 The block vec pointer destructor.
VecVec_ctorPoint (Vec *v, const char *name, int sep, int numR)
 Create a Vec pointer to the tail of a Vec.
void Vec_dtorPoint (Vec **thee)
 The vec pointer destructor.
BmatBmat_ctorPoint (Bmat *P, const char *name, int *ibase, int *numR)
 Create a Bmat pointer to the tail of a Bmat.
void Bmat_dtorPoint (Bmat **thee)
 The Bmat pointer destructor.
MatMat_ctorPoint (Mat *P, const char *name, int ibase, int numR)
 Create a Mat pointer to the tail of a Pro.
void Mat_dtorPoint (Mat **thee)
 The Mat pointer destructor.
void HBmat_printSp (HBmat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print an HBmat in MATLAB sparse form.
void Bmat_printDiriSp (Bmat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print the Dirichlet info of a Bmat in MATLAB sparse form.
void Mat_printDiriSp (Mat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print the Dirichlet info of a Bmat in MATLAB sparse form.
MatBmat_AD (Bmat *thee, int p, int q)
 Return the Mat structure AD.
void HBvec_matvec (HBvec *thee, HBmat *Gmat, int key, Bvec *work)
 Special matrix-vector multiplication for HB.
double Bmat_lnDet (Bmat *thee)
 Calculate the log of the determinant of a SPD Bmat matrix.
void BXLN_copyBmat (Bmat *thee, Bmat *Amat)
 Create an BXLN copy of a Bmat.
void Bmat_copyBXLN (Bmat *thee, Bmat *Alink)
 Produces a Bmat copy of a BXLN.
void BXLN_hbTriple (Bmat *thee, HBmat *G)
 Produce the HB sparse triple matrix product:.
void BXLN_copyBlocks (Bmat *A, Bmat *A12, Bmat *A21, Bmat *A22)
 Copies the A12, A21, and A22 blocks of a XLN, storing them in Mats of type COL, ROW, and DRC respectively.
void BXLN_shrinkLogical (Bmat *A, Bmat *A12, Bmat *A21)
 Sets the sizes of the logical blocks inside a BXLN using the number of rows and cols in two different Bmats.
void HBmat_GHB2WMHB (HBmat *thee, Bmat *M)
 Constructs G12/G22 for WMHB using Mhb and G21.
void XLN_hbTriple (Mat *thee, Mat *GL21, Mat *GL12, Mat *GL22, Mat *GR21, Mat *GR12, Mat *GR22)
 Produce the HB sparse triple matrix product:.
void XLN_matmatContrib (Mat *thee, Mat *Ablock1, int ibase, int flag1, Mat *Ablock2, int jbase, int flag2)
 Multiplies two Mat's contributing the result to an XLN.
void XLN_copySubblock (Mat *thee, Mat *Amat, int flag)
 Copies the A12, A21, or A22 subblock of a XLN, storing it in a Mat of type COL, ROW, or DRC respectively.
void XLN_copyBlocks (Mat *Ablock, Mat *A12, Mat *A21, Mat *A22)
 Copies the A12, A21, and A22 blocks of a XLN, storing them in Mats of type COL, ROW, and DRC respectively.
void XLN_shrinkLogical (Mat *A, Mat *A12, Mat *A21)
 Sets the sizes of the logical blocks inside a XLN using the number of rows and cols in two different Mats.
void Mat_initGWMHB (Mat *G12, Mat *G22, Mat *G21, Mat *Mblock)
 Constructs G12/G22 for WMHB using Mhb and G21.
void Bvec_submethod (Bvec *thee, Bmat *A, Bvec *f, Bvec *r, Bvec *ut, int key, int flag, int itmax, double etol, int prec, int cycle, Bmat *P, int meth)
 Executes one of a number of linear solvers.
void Bvec_fsmooth (Bvec *thee, Bmat *amat, Bvec *f, Bvec *w, int key, int ioflag, int meth, int adj, int itmax, Bchar *fc)
 F-point smoothing operator.
BcharBchar_ctor (Vmem *vmem, const char *name, int pnumB, int pnumR[MAXV])
 The block character constructor.
void Bchar_dtor (Bchar **thee)
 The block character destructor.
void Bchar_assem (Bchar *thee, int key, Bmat *Ppro)
 Build a block list of F and C points.
void Bchar_assem2 (Bchar *thee, int key, Bmat *amat, Bmat *Ppro)
 Build a block list of F and C points.

Detailed Description

Class Whb: stabilized hierarchical basis library.

Burak Aksoylu, Stephen Bond, and Michael Holst
whb.h,v 1.20 2009/04/24 22:54:29 fetk Exp

 * MC = < Manifold Code >
 * Copyright (C) 1994--2008 Michael Holst
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Function Documentation

void BXLN_copyBlocks ( Bmat A,
Bmat A12,
Bmat A21,
Bmat A22 

Copies the A12, A21, and A22 blocks of a XLN, storing them in Mats of type COL, ROW, and DRC respectively.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (brcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  The logical position of eacg block is determined from the
 *           sizes of the other blocks.
 *                    [   A11    |   A12   ]
 *                    [ sepxsep  | sepxn   ]
 *           A_hb  =  [----------|---------]  where numR = sep + n
 *                    [   A21    |   A22   ]
 *                    [   nxsep  |   nxn   ]
 *           A12, A21, A22 must be passed w/ NULL_STATE blocks.
A Pointer to the Bmat object
A12 Pointer to the Bmat object
A21 Pointer to the Bmat object
A22 Pointer to the Bmat object

void BXLN_copyBmat ( Bmat thee,
Bmat Amat 

Create an BXLN copy of a Bmat.

Stephen Bond 2002/01/28
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (brcmat.c)
Only the upper triangular part of any symmetric part is copied.
thee Pointer to the Bmat object
Amat Pointer to the Bmat object

void BXLN_hbTriple ( Bmat thee,
HBmat G 

Produce the HB sparse triple matrix product:.

 *           A(p,q)_hb = (I + G(p)') A(p,q) (I + G(q))
 *                  = [  I     Gp21'    ] [ Apq11 Apq12 ] [  I      Gq12   ]
 *                    [ Gp12' (I+Gp22') ] [ Apq21 Apq22 ] [ Gq21  (I+Gq22) ]
for every (p,q) block of A_hb.
Stephen Bond and Burak Aksoylu 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (brcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  The G21, G22, and G12 blocks must be ROW, DRC, and COL
 *           formats respectively.  Any NULL blocks are treated as
 *           zero matrices.  If the subblock of the BXLN is of symmetric
 *           type, only the upper triangular portion is used/modified.
 *           The matrix A is overwritten with the A11 result.
 *  Method:  CASE 1: Heirarchical Basis (HB)
 *           [A11 A12] += [ A12 Gq21 + Gp21'(A21 + A22 Gq21); Gp21'A22 ]
 *           [A21 A22]    [                        A22 Gq21 ;  0       ]
 *           CASE 2: Wavelet Modified Heirarchical Basis (WMHB)
 *   [A11 A12] += [ Gp21'(A21+A22*Gq21) + A12*Gq21 ; 0 ]
 *   [A21 A22]    [ Gp22'(A21+A22*Gq21) + A22*Gq21 ; 0 ]
 *              + [ 0                   ; Gp21'(A22+A22*Gq22+A21*Gq12) ]
 *                [ Gp21'(A11+A12*Gq21) ; Gp22'(A22+A22*Gq22+A21*Gq12) ]
 *              + [ 0 ; A11*Gq12 + A12*Gq22                                ]
 *                [ 0 ; A21*Gq12 + A22*Gq22 + Gp12'(A12+A12*Gq22+A11*Gq12) ]
thee Pointer to the Bmat object
G Pointer to the HBmat object

void BXLN_shrinkLogical ( Bmat A,
Bmat A12,
Bmat A21 

Sets the sizes of the logical blocks inside a BXLN using the number of rows and cols in two different Bmats.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (brcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  This method is used exclusively by HB methods to "replace"
 *           the matrix A with its A11 subblock.  The size of the A11
 *           sublock can be uniquely determined using the sizes of the A12
 *           and A21 sublocks:
 *                 [   A11    |   A12   ]
 *                 [ sepxsep  | sepxn   ]
 *           A  =  [----------|---------]  where numR = sep + n
 *                 [   A21    |         ]
 *                 [   nxsep  |         ]
 *           In the future, this routine may actually shrink the matrix,
 *           but for now it only sets the internal numR and numC arrays
 *           to reflect the size of the logical A11 block.
A Pointer to the Bmat object
A12 Pointer to the Bmat object
A21 Pointer to the Bmat object

void XLN_copyBlocks ( Mat Ablock,
Mat A12,
Mat A21,
Mat A22 

Copies the A12, A21, and A22 blocks of a XLN, storing them in Mats of type COL, ROW, and DRC respectively.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (rcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  The logical position of each block is determined from the
 *           sizes of the other blocks.
 *                    [   A11    |   A12   ]
 *                    [ sepxsep  | sepxn   ]
 *           A_hb  =  [----------|---------]  where numR = sep + n
 *                    [   A21    |   A22   ]
 *                    [   nxsep  |   nxn   ]
 *           A12, A21, A22 must be passed w/ NULL_STATE (i.e. after ctor).
Ablock Pointer to the Mat object
A12 Pointer to the Mat object
A21 Pointer to the Mat object
A22 Pointer to the Mat object

void XLN_copySubblock ( Mat thee,
Mat Amat,
int  flag 

Copies the A12, A21, or A22 subblock of a XLN, storing it in a Mat of type COL, ROW, or DRC respectively.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (rcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  The logical position of each block is determined from the
 *           sizes of the other blocks.
 *                    [   A11    |   A12   ]
 *                    [ sepxsep  | sepxn   ]
 *           A_hb  =  [----------|---------]  where numR = sep + n
 *                    [   A21    |   A22   ]
 *                    [   nxsep  |   nxn   ]
 *           The subblock must be passed w/ NULL_STATE (i.e. after ctor).
thee Pointer to the Mat object
Amat Pointer to the Mat object
flag index for different copy options

void XLN_hbTriple ( Mat thee,
Mat GL21,
Mat GL12,
Mat GL22,
Mat GR21,
Mat GR12,
Mat GR22 

Produce the HB sparse triple matrix product:.

 *           A_hb = (I + GL') A (I + GR)
 *                  = [  I     GL21'    ] [ A11 A12 ] [  I      GR12   ]
 *                    [ GL12' (I+GL22') ] [ A21 A22 ] [ GR21  (I+GR22) ]
where GL/GR are the left/right change of basis matrices.
Stephen Bond and Burak Aksoylu 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (rcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  The G21, G22, and G12 blocks must be ROW, DRC, and COL
 *           formats respectively.  Any NULL blocks are treated as
 *           zero matrices.  If the XLN is of symmetric type, only the
 *           upper triangular portion is used/modified.
 *           The matrix A is overwritten with the A11 result.
 *  Method:  CASE 1: Heirarchical Basis (HB)
 *           [A11 A12] += [ A12 GL21 + GL21'(A21 + A22 GR21); GL21'A22 ]
 *           [A21 A22]    [                        A22 GR21 ;  0       ]
 *           CASE 2: Wavelet Modified Heirarchical Basis (WMHB)
 *   [A11 A12] += [ GL21'(A21+A22*GR21) + A12*GR21 ; 0 ]
 *   [A21 A22]    [ GL22'(A21+A22*GR21) + A22*GR21 ; 0 ]
 *              + [ 0                   ; GL21'(A22+A22*GR22+A21*GR12) ]
 *                [ GL21'(A11+A12*GR21) ; GL22'(A22+A22*GR22+A21*GR12) ]
 *              + [ 0 ; A11*GR12 + A12*GR22                                ]
 *                [ 0 ; A21*GR12 + A22*GR22 + GL12'(A12+A12*GR22+A11*GR12) ]
thee Pointer to the Mat object
GL21 Pointer to the Mat object
GL12 Pointer to the Mat object
GL22 Pointer to the Mat object
GR21 Pointer to the Mat object
GR12 Pointer to the Mat object
GR22 Pointer to the Mat object

void XLN_matmatContrib ( Mat thee,
Mat Ablock1,
int  ibase,
int  flag1,
Mat Ablock2,
int  jbase,
int  flag2 

Multiplies two Mat's contributing the result to an XLN.

Stephen Bond
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (rcmat.c)
The offset of the contrib is controlled by ibase, jbase. If flag1 (flag2) is nonzero, the first (second) matrix is applied using its transpose.
This routine is used by the WMHB method while forming the triple matrix product.
thee Pointer to the Mat object
Ablock1 Pointer to the Mat object
ibase pointer to size array
flag1 index for transpose options
Ablock2 Pointer to the Mat object
jbase pointer to size array
flag2 index for transpose options

void XLN_shrinkLogical ( Mat A,
Mat A12,
Mat A21 

Sets the sizes of the logical blocks inside a XLN using the number of rows and cols in two different Mats.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond 2002/01/26
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (rcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  This method is used exclusively by HB methods to "replace"
 *           the matrix A with its A11 subblock.  The size of the A11
 *           sublock can be uniquely determined using the sizes of the A12
 *           and A21 sublocks:
 *                 [   A11    |   A12   ]
 *                 [ sepxsep  | sepxn   ]
 *           A  =  [----------|---------]  where numR = sep + n
 *                 [   A21    |         ]
 *                 [   nxsep  |         ]
 *           In the future, this routine may actually shrink the matrix,
 *           but for now it only sets the internal numR and numC values
 *           to reflect the size of the logical A11 block.
A Pointer to the Mat object
A12 Pointer to the Mat object
A21 Pointer to the Mat object

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