HBmat class

HBmat class. More...


file  whb.h
 Class Whb: stabilized hierarchical basis library.


struct  sHBmat
 struct HBmat Definition More...


typedef struct sHBmat HBmat
 Declaration of the HBmat class as the HBmat structure.


void HBmat_initG (HBmat *thee, Bmat *Ppro, Bmat *Mlink, int meth)
 Assembles the change of basis matrices for the HB Vcycle.
void HBmat_initA (HBmat *Ahb, HBmat *Ghb, Bmat *Alink)
 Assembles the hierarchical matrix for the HB Vcycle.
void HBmat_killStructure (HBmat *thee)
 Kills a chain of HBmat pointers.
void HBmat_initMulti (HBmat **Ahb, HBmat **Ghb, Bmat *A, Bmat *M, Bmat *Ppro, int meth)
 Assembles the hierarchical matrix structures for the HB Vcycle.
void HBmat_killMulti (HBmat **Ahb, HBmat **Ghb)
 Destruct the hierarchical structures.
HBmatHBmat_ctor (Vmem *vmem, const char *bname, int pnumB)
 The HBmat constructor.
void HBmat_dtor (HBmat **thee)
 The HBmat destructor.
void HBmat_printSp (HBmat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print an HBmat in MATLAB sparse form.
void HBmat_GHB2WMHB (HBmat *thee, Bmat *M)
 Constructs G12/G22 for WMHB using Mhb and G21.

Detailed Description

HBmat class.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct sHBmat HBmat

Declaration of the HBmat class as the HBmat structure.

Michael Holst

Function Documentation

HBmat* HBmat_ctor ( Vmem *  vmem,
const char *  bname,
int  pnumB 

The HBmat constructor.

Stephen Bond 2002/01/07
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (hbtools.c)
Pointer to the HBmat object
vmem Memory management object
bname character string name for the matrix
pnumB num vector blocks

void HBmat_dtor ( HBmat **  thee  ) 

The HBmat destructor.

Stephen Bond 2002/01/07
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (hbtools.c)
thee Pointer to the HBmat object

void HBmat_GHB2WMHB ( HBmat thee,
Bmat M 

Constructs G12/G22 for WMHB using Mhb and G21.

Stephen Bond 2002/02/03
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (brcmat.c)
 *   Notes:  This routine is the second step in the construction of the
 *           change of basis matrix for WMHB.  It constructs the G12 and
 *           G22 blocks using the mass matrix in the HB basis:
 *           [ G11 ] = [ 0 ]  ;   [ G12 ] =  [ I ] inv(-Mhb_11) Mhb_12
 *           [ G21 ]   [ R ]      [ G22 ]    [ R ]
 *           where Mhb is the previously formed mass matrix in the HB basis:
 *           Mhb = [ Mhb_11 Mhb_12 ] = [ I R'] [ M_11 M_12 ] [ I 0 ]
 *                 [ Mhb_21 Mhb_22 ]   [ 0 I ] [ M_21 M_22 ] [ R I ]
 *           Here inv( . ) represents any approximation to the inverse.
 *           To keep optimal complexity this should be chosen very carefully.
 *           Some possible choices include special matrix polynomials,
 *           mass lumping, or simply the inverse of the diagonal.
 *           The G12 and G22 blocks should be passed in with NULL_STATE
 *           subblocks, with only their shape determined (i.e. just after
 *           ctor).  The G21 block must already exist, and contain the tail
 *           of the prolongation matrix, i.e. P = [I ; R].
thee Pointer to the HBmat object
M Pointer to the Bmat object

void HBmat_initA ( HBmat Ahb,
HBmat Ghb,
Bmat Alink 

Assembles the hierarchical matrix for the HB Vcycle.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (whb.c)
 *   Notes:  This routine takes a pointer to an HBmat array, and
 *           returns a linked (hierarchical) chain of fully assembled
 *           HBmat's.  Each of the links contains several block matrices,
 *           which correspond to the stabilized subsections of the global
 *           block (stiffness) matrix.  All together, these stabilized
 *           blocks form the entire stiffness matrix, with respect to the
 *           recursively defined "hierarchical basis".
 *           Basic Inputs:
 *           HBmat *G    change of basis matrices for each level
 *           BXLN *A   nodal stiffness matrix in doubly linked format
 *           int minLev  coarsest level in the hierarchy
 *           Basic Outputs (inside the HBmat chain):
 *           Bmat *A21, *A22, *A12   stabilized Mat blocks on each level
Ahb nodal stiffness matrix in doubly linked format
Ghb change of basis matrices for each level
Alink coarsest level in the hierarchy

void HBmat_initG ( HBmat thee,
Bmat Ppro,
Bmat Mlink,
int  meth 

Assembles the change of basis matrices for the HB Vcycle.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (whb.c)
 *   Notes:  This routine takes a pointer to an HBmat array, and
 *           returns a linked (hierarchical) chain of fully assembled
 *           HBmat's.  Each of the links contains several block matrices,
 *           which correspond to the logical subsections of the change
 *           of basis matrix:
 *           [ S11 S12 ] = [  I  0  ] + [ G11 G12 ]
 *           [ S21 S22 ]   [  0  I  ]   [ G21 G22 ]
 *           To keep optimal storage complexity, only G is stored, and
 *           any blocks which are entirely zero have VNULL pointers.
 *           Basic Inputs:
 *           BXLN *M   nodal mass matrix in doubly linked format
 *           Bmat *R     tails of the prolongation matrices (inside Algs)
 *           int minLev  coarsest level in the hierarchy
 *           Basic Outputs (inside the HBmat chain):
 *           Bmat *G21, *G22, *G12   logical blocks of G = S - I.
 *           The mass matrix can be safely passed as VNULL in the HB
 *           case, since it is only touched in the WMHB case.
thee Pointer to the HBmat object
Ppro tails of the prolongation matrices (inside Algs) 3 --> Standard HB
5 --> Wavelet Modified HB
Mlink nodal mass matrix in doubly linked format
meth method choice (0=Standard HB,1=Wavelet Modified HB)

void HBmat_initMulti ( HBmat **  Ahb,
HBmat **  Ghb,
Bmat A,
Bmat M,
Bmat Ppro,
int  meth 

Assembles the hierarchical matrix structures for the HB Vcycle.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (bvechb.c)
 *   Notes:  This routine takes a null pointer to two HBmat pointers and
 *           returns a linked (hierarchical) chain of fully assembled
 *           HBmat's.
 *           Basic Inputs:
 *           Bmat *A             the finest level stiffness matrix
 *           Bmat *P0, *P1, ...  the prologation matrices for each level
 *           Basic Outputs (inside the HBmat chain):
 *           Bmat *A21, *A22, *A12   stabilized Mat blocks on each level
 *           Bmat *A11               stabilized A11 block on coarse level
 *           Bvec *d1, *d2           defect section pointers
 *           Bvec *r1, *r2           residual section pointers
 * Example:  Suppose we have a two-level system, resulting from a
 *           mesh refinement.  Let P be the prologation (restriction)
 *           matrix which prolongates (restricts) a trial solution
 *           from level 0 to 1 (1 to 0).  The stiffness matrix, A,
 *           can be naturally decomposed into four blocks, if the nodes
 *           added during refinement (fine nodes) are logically
 *           "appended" to the end of the solution vector:
 *           A = [ A11 A12 ] ; P = [ I ] ; d = [ d1 ] ; r = [ r1 ]
 *               [ A21 A22 ]       [ R ]       [ d2 ]       [ r2 ]
 *           Hierarchical Basis Multigrid (HB), doesn't use the standard
 *           nodal basis, using instead the "hierarchical basis".  The
 *           HB-basis stiffness matrix is related to the nodal basis
 *           stiffness matrix through a "change-of-basis" transform:
 *           A_hb = S'*A*S ; d = S*d_hb ; r_hb = S'*r ; S = [ I 0 ]
 *                                                          [ R I ]
 *           Written out in blocks, A_hb has the form:
 *           A_hb = [ A11 + A12*R + R'*A21 + R'*A22*R ; A12 + R'*A22 ]
 *                  [ A21 + A22*R                     ; A22          ]
 *           The resulting HBmat and HBvec chains will have two levels,
 *           0 and 1, with a pointer to the chains returned as output.
 *           Level 0 contains the only non-null pointer to A11.
Ahb nodal stiffness matrix in doubly linked format
Ghb change of basis matrices for each level
A system matrix
M mass matrix
Ppro tails of the prolongation matrices (inside Algs) 3 --> Standard HB
5 --> Wavelet Modified HB
meth method choice (0=Standard HB,1=Wavelet Modified HB)

void HBmat_killMulti ( HBmat **  Ahb,
HBmat **  Ghb 

Destruct the hierarchical structures.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (bvechb.c)
Ahb nodal stiffness matrix in doubly linked format
Ghb change of basis matrices for each level

void HBmat_killStructure ( HBmat thee  ) 

Kills a chain of HBmat pointers.

Burak Aksoylu and Stephen Bond
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (whb.c)
thee Pointer to the HBmat object

void HBmat_printSp ( HBmat thee,
char *  fname,
int  pflag 

Print an HBmat in MATLAB sparse form.

Stephen Bond 2002/08/11
Class Whb: Non-Inlineable methods (hbtools.c)
thee Pointer to the HBmat object
fname character string name for the HBmatrix
pflag index for write/append

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