: a canonical set element object.
Classes |
struct | Gip |
| struct Gip (2*4=8 bytes) More...
struct | Vip |
| struct Vip (3*8+3*4=36 bytes) More...
struct | Eip |
| struct Eip (6*4=24 bytes) More...
struct | Fip |
| struct Fip (3*4=12 bytes) More...
struct | Sip |
| (14*4=56 bytes OR 24*4=96 bytes) More...
union | VES |
| typedef union VES (40 bytes=max[36,24,40] OR 80 bytes=max[36,24,80]) More...
struct | Vel |
| Class Vel: Definition (8+80 bytes). More...
Defines |
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) none.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000000000011 000000000003 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) reality.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000000001100 000000000014 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) dim.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000000110000 000000000060 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) class.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000011111111000000 000000037700 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) type.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111100000000000000 007777740000 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) chart.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111111111111 ~000000000000 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) none.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111111111100 ~000000000003 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) reality.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111111110011 ~000000000014 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) dim.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111111001111 ~000000000060 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) class.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111100000000111111 ~000000037700 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) type.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000011111111111111 ~007777740000 |
| Gip.bits masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) chart.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000000000111 000000000007 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine edge0.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000000111000 000000000070 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) marked edge1.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000111000000 000000000700 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) marked edge2.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000111000000000 000000007000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) marked edge3.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000111000000000000 000000070000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) degen marks.
#define | MASK_00000000000000111000000000000000 000000700000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine count.
#define | MASK_00000000000001000000000000000000 000001000000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine Q0.
#define | MASK_00000000000010000000000000000000 000002000000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine Q1.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111111111000 ~000000000007 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine edge0.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111111000111 ~000000000070 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine edge1.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111000111111 ~000000000700 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine edge2.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111000111111111 ~000000007000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine edge3.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111000111111111111 ~000000070000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) degen marks.
#define | MASK_11111111111111000111111111111111 ~000000700000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine count.
#define | MASK_11111111111110111111111111111111 ~000001000000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine Q0.
#define | MASK_11111111111101111111111111111111 ~000002000000 |
| Sip.tags masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) refine Q1.
#define | MASK_00000000000000000000000011111111 000000000377 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 0 type.
#define | MASK_00000000000000001111111100000000 000000177400 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 1 type.
#define | MASK_00000000111111110000000000000000 000077600000 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 2 type.
#define | MASK_11111111000000000000000000000000 037700000000 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 3 type.
#define | MASK_11111111111111111111111100000000 ~000000000377 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 0 type.
#define | MASK_11111111111111110000000011111111 ~000000177400 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 1 type.
#define | MASK_11111111000000001111111111111111 ~000077600000 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 2 type.
#define | MASK_00000000111111111111111111111111 ~037700000000 |
| Sip.faces masks (implicit "0/1"s in front that pad out the word) face 3 type.
Functions |
void | Vel_init (Vel *thee, int tdim, int tid) |
| Initialize the element.
void | Vel_reinit (Vel *thee) |
| Re-Initialize the element.
void | Vel_setReality (Vel *thee, int reel) |
| Set the reality bits.
void | Vel_setDim (Vel *thee, int dim) |
| Set the dimension bits.
void | Vel_setClass (Vel *thee, int clas) |
| Set the class bits.
void | Vel_setType (Vel *thee, int type) |
| Set the type bits.
void | Vel_setChart (Vel *thee, int chart) |
| Set the chart bits.
void | Vel_setId (Vel *thee, int id) |
| Set the ID bits.
unsigned int | Vel_reality (Vel *thee) |
| Return the reality.
unsigned int | Vel_dim (Vel *thee) |
| Return the dimension.
unsigned int | Vel_dimVV (Vel *thee) |
| Return the number of vertices in a simplex.
unsigned int | Vel_dimEE (Vel *thee) |
| Return the number of edges in a simplex.
unsigned int | Vel_dimFF (Vel *thee) |
| Return the number of faces in a simplex.
unsigned int | Vel_class (Vel *thee) |
| Return the class.
unsigned int | Vel_type (Vel *thee) |
| Return the type.
unsigned int | Vel_chart (Vel *thee) |
| Return the chart.
unsigned int | Vel_id (Vel *thee) |
| Return the ID.
Vel * | Vel_ctor (int dim, int id) |
| The Vel constructor.
void | Vel_dtor (Vel **thee) |
| The Vel destructor.
Variables |
const int | vmapE [4][4] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapEI [6][2] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapV [6][4] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapF [4][3] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapFE [4][3] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapOV1 [4][4][4] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapOV2 [2][4][4] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapOV3 [4][3] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
const int | vmapOE [4][3] |
| Useful simplex geometry mappings.
: a canonical set element object.