vec.h File Reference

Class Vec: an Nx1 vector class. More...

#include <mc/mc_base.h>
#include <mc/mat.h>

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struct  sVec
 Contains public data memebers for Vec class. More...


typedef struct sVec Vec
 Declaration of the Vec class as the Vec structure.


VecVec_ctor (Vmem *vmem, const char *name, int length)
 The vector constructor (data array malloc'd by us).
VecVec_ctor2 (Vmem *vmem, const char *name, int length, double *data)
 The vector constructor (data array passed in).
void Vec_dtor (Vec **thee)
 The vector destructor.
int Vec_len (Vec *thee)
 Length of a vector.
double * Vec_addr (Vec *thee)
 Address of a vector data.
double Vec_val (Vec *thee, int i)
 Return value of component of vector.
void Vec_set (Vec *thee, int i, double val)
 Set value of component of vector.
double Vec_nrm1 (Vec *thee)
 1-norm of a vector.
double Vec_nrm2 (Vec *thee)
 2-norm of a vector.
double Vec_nrm8 (Vec *thee)
 oo-norm of a vector.
double Vec_dif1 (Vec *thee, Vec *s)
 1-norm of a vector.
double Vec_dif2 (Vec *thee, Vec *s)
 2-norm of a vector.
double Vec_dif8 (Vec *thee, Vec *s)
 oo-norm of a vector.
double Vec_dot (Vec *thee, Vec *s)
 dot product of two vectors.
void Vec_init (Vec *thee, double val)
 initialize a vector to be a constant.
void Vec_scal (Vec *thee, double val)
 vector scale.
void Vec_copy (Vec *thee, Vec *s)
 vector copy.
void Vec_axpy (Vec *thee, Vec *s, double val)
 scalar times vector plus vector.
void Vec_print (Vec *thee)
 print a vector.
void Vec_printSp (Vec *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 print a vector.
void Vec_diagScale (Vec *thee, Mat *amat, Vec *f)
 Apply inverse of diagonal to a vector.
void Vec_matvec (Vec *thee, Mat *amat, Vec *v, int key, int part)
 Matrix times vector.
void Vec_smooth (Vec *thee, Mat *amat, Vec *f, Vec *w, int key, int ioflag, int meth, int adj, int itmax, double etol, double omega)
 Generic smoothing operator.
void Vec_jac (Vec *thee, Mat *amat, Vec *f, Vec *w, int key, int ioflag, int itmax, double etol, double omega)
 Jacobi iteration.
void Vec_gs (Vec *thee, Mat *amat, Vec *f, Vec *w, int key, int ioflag, int adj, int itmax, double etol)
 Gauss-Seidel iteration.
void Vec_bnd (Vec *thee, Mat *mat, int key)
 Apply boundary condition.
void Vec_absLog (Vec *thee, double val)
 Log of abs value of entries of block vector, shifted by < val >.

Detailed Description

Class Vec: an Nx1 vector class.

vec.h,v 1.21 2009/04/24 22:54:08 fetk Exp
Michael Holst
 * MC = < Manifold Code >
 * Copyright (C) 1994--2008 Michael Holst
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

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