mat.h File Reference

Class Mat: a sparse matrix object. More...

#include <mc/mc_base.h>
#include <mc/mtool.h>
#include <mc/slu.h>

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struct  sMat
 Contains public data memebers for Mat class. More...


typedef struct sMat Mat
 Declaration of the Mat class as the Mat structure.


MatMat_ctor (Vmem *vmem, const char *name, int pnumR, int pnumC)
 The sparse matrix constructor.
void Mat_dtor (Mat **thee)
 The sparse matrix destructor.
void Mat_initStructure (Mat *thee, MATformat frmt, MATsym sym, int numO, int *IJA, double *A)
 Initialize the nonzero structure given structure information.
void Mat_copyStructure (Mat *thee, Mat *model)
 Initialize the nonzero structure given structure information.
void Mat_killStructure (Mat *thee)
 Kill the nonzero structure and structure information.
int Mat_numR (Mat *thee)
 Return number of rows in the matrix.
int Mat_numC (Mat *thee)
 Return number of columns in the matrix.
int Mat_numA (Mat *thee)
 Return number of nonzeros we are actually storing.
int Mat_numO (Mat *thee)
 Return number of nonzeros we are actually storing which are located in upper (or lower) triangle.
int Mat_numZ (Mat *thee)
 Return number of nonzeros we WOULD be storing if we were ignoring symmetry and storing all nonzeros.
MATformat Mat_format (Mat *thee)
 Return the format.
MATsym Mat_sym (Mat *thee)
 Return the symmetry.
MATstate Mat_state (Mat *thee)
 Return the state.
MATimpl Mat_impl (Mat *thee)
 Return the impl.
void Mat_setFormat (Mat *thee, MATformat format)
 Set the format.
void Mat_setSym (Mat *thee, MATsym sym)
 Set the symmetry.
void Mat_setState (Mat *thee, MATstate state)
 Set the state.
void Mat_setImpl (Mat *thee, MATimpl impl)
 Set the impl.
int Mat_sizeIJA (Mat *thee)
 Return total number of INTEGER STORAGE LOCATIONS in the matrix.
int Mat_sizeA (Mat *thee)
 Return total number of REAL STORAGE LOCATIONS in the matrix.
int * Mat_IJA (Mat *thee)
 Return the integer structure IJA.
int * Mat_IA (Mat *thee)
 Return the integer structure IA.
int * Mat_JA (Mat *thee)
 Return the integer structure JA.
double * Mat_A (Mat *thee)
 Return the real structure A.
double * Mat_diag (Mat *thee)
 Return the diagonal structure A.
double * Mat_offU (Mat *thee)
 Return the upper-triangle structure A.
double * Mat_offL (Mat *thee)
 Return the lower-triangle structure A.
void Mat_print (Mat *thee)
 Print the matrix as a DENSE matrix in MATLAB format.
void Mat_printSp (Mat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print the matrix as a SPARSE matrix in MATLAB format.
void Mat_printNoD (Mat *thee)
 Print the matrix as a DENSE matrix in MATLAB format, but first zero out any rows/cols corresponding to Dirichlet boundary points.
void Mat_printSpNoD (Mat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print the matrix as a DENSE matrix in MATLAB format, but first zero out any rows/cols corresponding to Dirichlet boundary points.
void Mat_zero (Mat *thee)
 Clear the floating point storage for the sparse matrix. Also clear any sparse factorization storage.
void Mat_set (Mat *thee, int i, int j, double val)
 Set a value in a matrix.
void Mat_addTo (Mat *thee, int i, int j, double val)
 Add to a value in a matrix.
void Mat_buildBRC (Mat *thee, int numBR, int numBC, int *BR, int *BC)
 Set the boundary row and column information.
void Mat_zeroBRC (Mat *thee)
 Apply the boundary row and column information.
void Mat_diagBRC (Mat *thee)
 Place identity entries on diagonal of boundary row/col.
void Mat_galerkin (Mat *thee, Mat *rmat, Mat *amat, Mat *pmat)
 Enforce the Galerkin conditions algebraically.
int Mat_sluDirect (Mat *thee)
 Make a decision about whether or not a sparse direct solver should be used in place of an iterative solver, based on the size of the system.
void Mat_sluCreate (Mat *thee)
 Setup for a sparse LU factorization of matrix.
int Mat_sluFactor (Mat *thee)
 Create the sparse LU factors for the system matrix.
int Mat_sluSolve (Mat *thee, int key, double *f, double *u)
 Performs a forward/backward solve using the sparse LU factors.
void Mat_sluDestroy (Mat *thee)
 Destroy the sparse LU factors for the system matrix.
void Mat_memChk (Mat *thee)
 Print the exact current malloc usage.
void Mat_copy (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix.
void Mat_copyROW2COL (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from ROW to COL.
void Mat_copyCOL2ROW (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from COL to ROW.
void Mat_copyDRC2RLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from DRC to RLN.
void Mat_copyROW2RLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from ROW to RLN.
void Mat_copyCOL2RLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from COL to RLN.
void Mat_copyRLN2ROW (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from RLN to ROW.
void Mat_copyDRC2CLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from DRC to CLN.
void Mat_copyROW2CLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from ROW to CLN.
void Mat_copyCOL2CLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from COL to CLN.
void Mat_copyCLN2COL (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from CLN to COL.
void Mat_copyCLN2RLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from CLN to RLN.
void Mat_copyRLN2CLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from RLN to CLN.
void Mat_copyDRC2XLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from DRC to XLN.
void Mat_copyROW2XLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from ROW to XLN.
void Mat_copyCOL2XLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from COL to XLN.
void Mat_copyRLN2XLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from RLN to XLN.
void Mat_copyCLN2XLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from CLN to XLN.
void Mat_copyXLN2DRC (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from XLN to DRC.
void Mat_copyXLN2ROW (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from XLN to ROW.
void Mat_copyXLN2COL (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from XLN to COL.
void Mat_copyXLN2RLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from XLN to RLN.
void Mat_copyXLN2CLN (Mat *thee, Mat *smat)
 Copy a matrix from XLN to CLN.
void Mat_squeezeBRC (Mat *thee, int key)
 Remove the boundary rows or columns from a matrix.
void Mat_copy2 (Mat *Y, Mat *X)
 Raw copy of the nonzeros of X into Y.
void Mat_axpy (Mat *Y, Mat *X, double val, int key)
 scalar times a Mat plus a Mat: Y += val*X.
void Mat_initStructureLN (Mat *thee, MATformat frmt, MATsym sym)
 Initialize the nonzero structure given structure information.
void Mat_killStructureLN (Mat *thee)
 Kill the nonzero structure and structure information.
LinkRCMat_accessXLN (Mat *thee, int idx, int key)
 Access the first element in the ROW or COL of an XLN.
void Mat_contribXLN (Mat *thee, int key, int i, int j, double val)
 Set or add a value to a doubly linked matrix entry array.
void Mat_contribNSYMXLN (Mat *thee, int key, int i, int j, double val)
 Set or add a value to a NOTSYM XLN matrix.
void Mat_contribSSYMXLN (Mat *thee, int key, int i, int j, double val)
 Set or add a value to a STRUC_SYM XLN matrix.
void Mat_contribSYMXLN (Mat *thee, int key, int i, int j, double val)
 Set or add a value to a SYM XLN Matrix.
void Mat_printLN (Mat *thee)
 Print an LN format matrix as a DENSE matrix in MATLAB format.
void Mat_printLNSp (Mat *thee, char *fname, int pflag)
 Print an LN format matrix as a SPARSE matrix in MATLAB format.

Detailed Description

Class Mat: a sparse matrix object.

Michael Holst
 * This class support several datastructures for sparse matrices.
 *           The following formats are supported (see below for descriptions):
 *             ZERO (the zero matrix; no storage at all)
 *             DRC  (diag-row-col-YSMP variant)
 *             ROW  (row-YSMP)
 *             COL  (col-YSMP)
 *             SLU  (sparse-LU)
 *             RLN  (row-linked-list)
 *             CLN  (col-linked-list)
 *             XLN  (row-linked-list AND col-linked-list)
 *             RFL  (row-wise dense matrix; i.e., C-style 2D array)
 *             CFL  (col-wise dense matrix; i.e., FORTRAN-style 2D array)
 *           NOTE: This class is very efficient in both memory and operation
 *           complexity for LARGE sparse matrices.  It also supports dense
 *           matrices (RFL and CFL formats).
 *           ANOTHER NOTE:  Only ONE format is supported at a time; i.e.,
 *           you cannot simultaneously have a matrix in multiple formats
 *           maintained WITHIN that Mat datastructure.  You must create a
 *           new one of the desired type, and copy the old one into it, if
 *           you want to have an existing matrix represented in a different
 *           format.  (This is a change from the previous version of this
 *           library.)
 * Formats:  Here is a brief description of the suppored matrix formats:
 *           ZERO:       .                  This is a zero matrix (no storage).
 *           DRC:        \-----             This is a symmetric storage
 *                       |\----             format; only the upper triangle
 *                       ||\---             need be stored in the case of
 *                       |||\--             symmetry.  However, we must assume
 *                       ||||\-             that the upper and lower triangles
 *                       |||||\             have identical nonzero structures;
 *                                          the matrix MUST BE SQUARE.
 *                                          The diagonal entries are stored
 *                                          separately from the triangles.
 *                                          NOTE: In the case of symmetry,
 *                                          we simply point the lower triangle
 *                                          nonzeros A to the upper, as well as
 *                                          the IA and JA pointers.
 *           ROW:        ---------          This is a completely nonsymmetric
 *                       ---------          storage format; no provision is
 *                       ---------          made to handle storage savings
 *                       ---------          in the case of symmetry.
 *                                          No assumptions are made about the
 *                                          nonzero-structure of the matrix;
 *                                          the matrix can be non-square.
 *                                          Row-start pointers are kept in IA,
 *                                          and column indices are kept in JA.
 *                                          The diagonal entriecs are treated
 *                                          like any other row entry.
 *           COL:        ||||               This is a column-wise variant
 *                       ||||               of the ROW format.  Col-start
 *                       ||||               pointers are kept in IA, and
 *                       ||||               row indices are kept in JA.
 *                       ||||
 *                       ||||
 *                       ||||
 *                       ||||
 *                       ||||
 *           SLU:        [LU]               This format is determined by
 *                                          the particular sparse direct
 *                                          solver which we use to factor
 *                                          the matrix, and we do not use
 *                                          any information about the
 *                                          particular storage format.
 *           RLN:        [linked-list]      This is a row-wise linked list
 *                                          representation of the matrix.
 *                                          It is usually used to accumulate
 *                                          a matrix product for which there
 *                                          is no a priori knowledge about
 *                                          the resulting nonzero structure.
 *                                          It is usually converted into one
 *                                          of the other matrix formats before
 *                                          it is used for anything else, since
 *                                          linked-list implementations of
 *                                          operations such as matrix-vector
 *                                          products tend to be inefficient.
 *           CLN:        [linked-list]      This is a column-wise variant
 *                                          of the RLN format.
 *           XLN:        [linked-list]      Simultaneous RLN and CLN.
 *           RFL:        ---------          This is a dense row-wise storage
 *                       ---------          format.  All nonzeros are stored;
 *                       ---------          no integer storage is used.
 *           CFL:        ||||               This is a dense col-wise storage
 *                       ||||               format.  All nonzeros are stored;
 *                       ||||               no integer storage is used.
 * Storage:  Details of the DRC/ROW/COL format storage are as follows.
 *           The integer part IJA of the structure has the following layout:
 *               IJA = [ IA ; JA ]
 *               length(IA)    = N+1      row(col) start pointers into JA/A
 *               length(JA)    = NZ       col(row) indices for each row(col)
 *               ------------------------
 *               length(IJA)   = N+1+NZ
 *           which is a DRC, ROW, or COL pointer structure for a matrix.
 *           The IA part of the array points into the JA portion of the array
 *           for the beginning of each row (or column) left-to-right
 *           (or top-to-bottom).
 *           The JA portion then contains the column (or row) indices for the
 *           corresponding entries in that row (or column), ordered
 *           left-to-right (or top to bottom).
 *           The corresponding array of the actual nonzeros in the case of
 *           the DRC style format has the form:
 *               A = [ diag ; offU ; offL ]
 *               length(diag) = N         (diag)
 *               length(offU) = NZ        (upper-triang)
 *               length(offL) = NZ        (lower-triang, or null if symmetric)
 *               -----------------------
 *               length(A)    = N+2*NZ    (or N+NZ if symmetric)
 *           In the case of ROW or COL, the matrix A is simply a row-wise or
 *           col-wise ordering of all of the nozeros, with no special role
 *           played by the diagonal entries.
mat.h,v 1.46 2009/04/24 22:54:03 fetk Exp

 * MC = < Manifold Code >
 * Copyright (C) 1994--2008 Michael Holst
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

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