Aprx class

The APpRoXimation library object. More...


file  aprx.h
 Class Aprx: the APpRoXimation library object.


struct  sAprx
 Class Aprx: Parameters and datatypes Class Aprx: Definition. More...


typedef struct sAprx Aprx
 Declaration of the Aprx class as the Aprx structure.


AprxAprx_ctor (Vmem *vmem, Gem *tgm, PDE *tpde)
 Construct a linear Approximation object.
AprxAprx_ctor2 (Vmem *vmem, Gem *tgm, PDE *tpde, int order)
 Approximation object constructor.
void Aprx_dtor (Aprx **thee)
 Approximation object destructor.
int Aprx_numB (Aprx *thee)
 Return the number of blocks.
BmatAprx_P (Aprx *thee)
 Return a pointer to the current prolongation matrix.
int Aprx_read (Aprx *thee, int key, Vio *sock)
 Read in the user-specified initial mesh given in the "MCSF" or "MCEF" format, and transform into our internal datastructures.
Do a little more than a "Gem_read", in that we also initialize the extrinsic and intrinsic spatial dimensions corresponding to the input mesh, and we also then build the reference elements.
void Aprx_reset (Aprx *thee)
 Reset all of the datastructures.
void Aprx_initNodes (Aprx *thee)
 Make node information.
void Aprx_buildNodes (Aprx *thee)
 Determine the node types via a single fast traversal of the elements by looking at the element faces.
void Aprx_evalTrace (Aprx *thee, Bvec *Wud, Bvec *Wui, Bvec *Wut)
 Evaluate the trace information.
int Aprx_refine (Aprx *thee, int rkey, int bkey, int pkey)
 Refine the mesh.
int Aprx_unRefine (Aprx *thee, int rkey, int pkey)
 Unrefine the mesh.
int Aprx_deform (Aprx *thee, Bvec *def)
 Deform the mesh.
void Aprx_buildProlong (Aprx *thee, int numRc, int numR, int pkey)
 Create storage for and build prolongation operator; the operator prolongates a vector FROM a coarser level TO this level.
void Aprx_buildProlongBmat (Aprx *thee, Mat *p)
 Create block version of prolongation operator; also updates the Bnode object.
int Aprx_nodeCount (Aprx *thee, Re *re)
 Count up the total number of basis functions (nodes). This is basically an a priori count of the number of rows in the stiffness matrix.
void Aprx_interact (Aprx *thee, Re *re, Re *reT, int *numR, int *numO, int *numOYR, int **IJA, int **IJAYR)
 Count the number of basis (linear/quadratic/etc) functions which interact with a given basis function. This is basically an a priori count of the number of nonzeros per row in the stiffness matrix, and the number of nozeros per row above the diagonal (and thus the number of nonzeros per column below the diagonal if we have symmetric nonzero structure). By doing this count, we can one-time malloc storage for matrices before assembly, and avoid extra copies as well as avoid the use of linked list structures for representing matrices with a priori unknown nonzero structure.
void Aprx_interactBlock (Aprx *thee, Re *re[MAXV], Re *reT[MAXV], MATsym sym[MAXV][MAXV], MATmirror mirror[MAXV][MAXV], MATformat frmt[MAXV][MAXV], int numR[MAXV], int numO[MAXV][MAXV], int *IJA[MAXV][MAXV])
 Determine all basis function interations.
int Aprx_nodeIndex (Aprx *thee, Re *re, int i, int dim, int q)
 Compute global index of node of dimension dim in the matrix.
int Aprx_nodeIndexTT (Aprx *thee, Re *re, TT *t, int idf)
 Given an index of node DF within the simplex and its TT structure, compute global index for that node.
void Aprx_buildBRC (Aprx *thee, Bmat *A, Bmat *M)
 Build boundary Bnode information into two Bmats.
void Aprx_initSpace (Aprx *thee, int i, int r, double phi[], double phix[][3], double V[], double dV[][3])
 Initialize vector test function "i" and its gradient, generated by scalar test function "r" for this element.
void Aprx_initEmat (Aprx *thee, int bumpKey, TT *t, Emat *em)
 Initialize an element matrix.
void Aprx_quadEmat (Aprx *thee, int evalKey, int energyKey, int residKey, int tangKey, int massKey, int bumpKey, int face, TT *t, Emat *em, Bvec *Wu, Bvec *Wud)
 Build an element matrix and an element load vector for a single given element, using quadrature.
void Aprx_fanEmat (Aprx *thee, int evalKey, int energyKey, int residKey, int tangKey, int massKey, int bumpKey, Emat *em, Bmat *A, Bmat *M, Bvec *F)
 Fan out an element matrix to the global matrix, and fan out an element vector to the global vector.
void Aprx_assemEmat (Aprx *thee, SS *sm, int evalKey, int energyKey, int residKey, int tangKey, int massKey, int bumpKey, Emat *em, Bvec *Wu, Bvec *Wud)
 Assemble one element matrix.
double Aprx_assem (Aprx *thee, int evalKey, int energyKey, int residKey, int tangKey, int massKey, int bumpKey, int ip[], double rp[], Bmat *A, Bmat *M, Bvec *F, Bvec *Wu, Bvec *Wud)
 Assemble the tangent matrix and nonlinear residual vector (which reduces to the normal stiffness matrix and load vector in the case of a linear problem) for a general nonlinear system of m components in spatial dimension d.
int Aprx_markRefine (Aprx *thee, int key, int color, int bkey, double elevel, Bvec *u, Bvec *ud, Bvec *f, Bvec *r)
 Mark simplices to be refined.
int Aprx_estRefine (Aprx *thee, int key, int color, int bkey, double elevel, Bvec *u, Bvec *ud, Bvec *f, Bvec *r)
 A posteriori error estimation via several different approaches.
int Aprx_markRefineFixed (Aprx *thee, int num2ref, int color)
 Selects a fixed number/fraction of simplicies to be refined.
void Aprx_evalFunc (Aprx *thee, Bvec *u, int block, int numPts, double *pts, double *vals, int *marks)
 Evaluate a finite element solution at a set of arbitrary points.
void Aprx_fe2fd (Aprx *thee, Bvec *u, int block, int nx, int ny, int nz, double x0, double y0, double z0, double dx, double dy, double dz, int derivs, int outTypeKey)
 Interpolates data onto finite difference grid.
void Aprx_bndIntegral (Aprx *thee, Bvec *u, Bvec *ud, Bvec *ut)
 Evaluate a given boundary integral.
void Aprx_admMass (Aprx *thee, Bvec *u, Bvec *ud, Bvec *ut, int block)
 Evaluate ADM mass from conformal factor.
double Aprx_evalError (Aprx *thee, int pcolor, int key, Bvec *u, Bvec *ud, Bvec *ut)
 Evaluate error in solution in one of several norms.
double Aprx_evalH1 (Aprx *thee, SS *sm, Bvec *u, Bvec *ud, Bvec *ut)
 Evaluate difference of two functions in H1 norm in one element.
void Aprx_writeGEOM (Aprx *thee, Vio *sock, int defKey, int colKey, int chartKey, double gluVal, int fkey, Bvec *u, char *format)
 Write a finite element mesh or mesh function in some format.
void Aprx_writeSOL (Aprx *thee, Vio *sock, Bvec *u, char *format)
 Write a finite element mesh or mesh function in some format.
int Aprx_partSet (Aprx *thee, int pcolor)
 Clear the partitioning (set all colors to pcolor).
int Aprx_partSmooth (Aprx *thee)
 Smooth the partitioning.
int Aprx_partInert (Aprx *thee, int pcolor, int numC, double *evec, simHelper *simH)
 Partition the domain using inertial bisection. Partition sets of points in R^d (d=2 or d=3) by viewing them as point masses of a rigid body, and by then employing the classical mechanics ideas of inertia and Euler axes.
int Aprx_partSpect (Aprx *thee, int pcolor, int numC, double *evec, simHelper *simH, int *ford, int *rord, int general)
 Partition the domain using spectral bisection.
int Aprx_part (Aprx *thee, int pkey, int pwht, int ppow)
 Do recursive bisection.
int Aprx_partOne (Aprx *thee, int pkey, int pwht, int pcolor, int poff)
 Do a single bisection step.

Detailed Description

The APpRoXimation library object.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct sAprx Aprx

Declaration of the Aprx class as the Aprx structure.

Michael Holst

Function Documentation

void Aprx_admMass ( Aprx thee,
Bvec u,
Bvec ud,
Bvec ut,
int  block 

Evaluate ADM mass from conformal factor.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (eval.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
u block NODAL solution vector
ud block NODAL dirichlet vector
ut block NODAL analytical vector
block index of a block

double Aprx_assem ( Aprx thee,
int  evalKey,
int  energyKey,
int  residKey,
int  tangKey,
int  massKey,
int  bumpKey,
int  ip[],
double  rp[],
Bmat A,
Bmat M,
Bvec F,
Bvec Wu,
Bvec Wud 

Assemble the tangent matrix and nonlinear residual vector (which reduces to the normal stiffness matrix and load vector in the case of a linear problem) for a general nonlinear system of m components in spatial dimension d.

Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (assem.c)
The nonlinear residual should always be ZERO at dirichlet nodes!
Michael Holst
the assembled energy
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
evalKey == 0 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 1 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== 2 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 3 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== ? ==> Same as 0.
energyKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble an energy.
== 1 ==> Assemble the energy J(z).
== 2 ==> Assemble the energy 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
residKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a residual.
== 1 ==> Assemble the residual F(z)(v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the residual 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
tangKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a tangent matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix DF(z)(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
massKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a mass matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the mass matrix p(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the mass matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
bumpKey == 0 ==> Do not assemble with bumps.
== 1 ==> Assemble bilinear form with bumps.
== 2 ==> Assemble residual form with bumps.
== ? ==> Same as 1.
ip index for assembled energies
rp parameter for initially assembled PDE
A Pointer to stiffness matrix
M Pointer to Mass matrix
F block NODAL residual vector
Wu block NODAL solution work vector
Wud block NODAL dirichlet work vector

void Aprx_assemEmat ( Aprx thee,
SS sm,
int  evalKey,
int  energyKey,
int  residKey,
int  tangKey,
int  massKey,
int  bumpKey,
Emat em,
Bvec Wu,
Bvec Wud 

Assemble one element matrix.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (assem.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
sm Pointer to a given simplex
evalKey == 0 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 1 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== 2 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 3 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== ? ==> Same as 0.
energyKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble an energy.
== 1 ==> Assemble the energy J(z).
== 2 ==> Assemble the energy 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
residKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a residual.
== 1 ==> Assemble the residual F(z)(v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the residual 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
tangKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a tangent matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix DF(z)(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
massKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a mass matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the mass matrix p(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the mass matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
bumpKey == 0 ==> Do not assemble with bumps.
== 1 ==> Assemble bilinear form with bumps.
== 2 ==> Assemble residual form with bumps.
== ? ==> Same as 1.
em Pointer to element matrix
Wu block NODAL solution work vector
Wud block NODAL dirichlet work vector

void Aprx_bndIntegral ( Aprx thee,
Bvec u,
Bvec ud,
Bvec ut 

Evaluate a given boundary integral.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (eval.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
u block NODAL solution vector
ud block NODAL dirichlet vector
ut block NODAL analytical vector

void Aprx_buildBRC ( Aprx thee,
Bmat A,
Bmat M 

Build boundary Bnode information into two Bmats.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
Either/both Bmat objects can be VNULL without error; the result for that VNULL Bmat is a No-Op.
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
A Pointer to stiffness matrix
M Pointer to Mass matrix

void Aprx_buildNodes ( Aprx thee  ) 

Determine the node types via a single fast traversal of the elements by looking at the element faces.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location

void Aprx_buildProlong ( Aprx thee,
int  numRc,
int  numR,
int  pkey 

Create storage for and build prolongation operator; the operator prolongates a vector FROM a coarser level TO this level.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
numRc number of vertices before refinement
numR number of vertices after refinement
pkey Boolean sets the pkey type to prolongate a vector

void Aprx_buildProlongBmat ( Aprx thee,
Mat p 

Create block version of prolongation operator; also updates the Bnode object.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
p Pointer to Bnode matrix

Aprx* Aprx_ctor ( Vmem *  vmem,
Gem tgm,
PDE tpde 

Construct a linear Approximation object.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
Pointer to a newly allocated (empty) linear Approximation object
vmem Memory management object
tgm Geometry manager source
tpde PDE object

Aprx* Aprx_ctor2 ( Vmem *  vmem,
Gem tgm,
PDE tpde,
int  order 

Approximation object constructor.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
vmem Memory management object
tgm Geometry manager source
tpde PDE object
order Order of approximation to be constructed

int Aprx_deform ( Aprx thee,
Bvec def 

Deform the mesh.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
Success enumeration for deforming the mesh.
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
def The corresponding deforming block vector

void Aprx_dtor ( Aprx **  thee  ) 

Approximation object destructor.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to object to be destroyed

int Aprx_estRefine ( Aprx thee,
int  key,
int  color,
int  bkey,
double  elevel,
Bvec u,
Bvec ud,
Bvec f,
Bvec r 

A posteriori error estimation via several different approaches.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (estim.c)
   Apply one of several a posteriori error estimators:   

        If (key == 2) ==> Nonlinear residual indicator.            
        If (key == 3) ==> Dual-weighted residual indicator.            
        If (key == 4) ==> Local problem indicator.                     
        If (key == 5) ==> Recovered gradient indicator.                

   The error tolerance can be used in several ways:                   

        If (bkey == 0) ==> mark if:  [error/S] > TOL                   
        If (bkey == 1) ==> mark if:  [error/S] > (TOL^2/numS)^{1/2}    

        If (bkey == 2) ==> mark fixed number/fraction (dep. on ETOL): 
            if elevel < 1, mark fraction of simplices                  
            if elevel >=1, mark that many simplices (rounded to        
            the smaller integer)                                           
number of marked simplices
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
key index of different types of a posteriori error estimators
color chart type of marked simplices
bkey Bisection type
elevel level to determine the fraction of simplices
u block NODAL solution vector
ud block NODAL dirichlet vector
f block NODAL residual vector
r block NODAL temporary vector

double Aprx_evalError ( Aprx thee,
int  pcolor,
int  key,
Bvec u,
Bvec ud,
Bvec ut 

Evaluate error in solution in one of several norms.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (eval.c)
We evaluate the error in the solution (in the case that an exact analytical solution is available) in one of several norms:
If (key == 0) ==> L^2 norm of the error.
If (key == 1) ==> L^{\infty} norm of the error.
If (key == 2) ==> H^1 norm of the error.
error in solution in one of several norms.
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
pcolor simplex chart type
key If (key == 0) ==> L^2 norm of the error.
If (key == 1) ==> L^{\infty} norm of the error.
If (key == 2) ==> H^1 norm of the error.
u block NODAL solution vector
ud block NODAL dirichlet vector
ut block NODAL analytical vector

void Aprx_evalFunc ( Aprx thee,
Bvec u,
int  block,
int  numPts,
double *  pts,
double *  vals,
int *  marks 

Evaluate a finite element solution at a set of arbitrary points.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (eval.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
u solution vector
block index for the block
numPts number of all interpolation pts for one simplex
pts coordinates of the pt
vals solution for the interpolated pts
marks index for marked or not

double Aprx_evalH1 ( Aprx thee,
SS sm,
Bvec u,
Bvec ud,
Bvec ut 

Evaluate difference of two functions in H1 norm in one element.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (eval.c)
We evaluate difference of two functions in H1 norm in one element.
Difference of two functions in H1 norm in one element.
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
sm simplex
u block NODAL solution vector
ud block NODAL dirichlet vector
ut block NODAL analytical vector

void Aprx_evalTrace ( Aprx thee,
Bvec Wud,
Bvec Wui,
Bvec Wut 

Evaluate the trace information.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
Wud block NODAL dirichlet work vector
Wui block NODAL interior dirichlet work vector
Wut block NODAL analytical work vector

void Aprx_fanEmat ( Aprx thee,
int  evalKey,
int  energyKey,
int  residKey,
int  tangKey,
int  massKey,
int  bumpKey,
Emat em,
Bmat A,
Bmat M,
Bvec F 

Fan out an element matrix to the global matrix, and fan out an element vector to the global vector.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (assem.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
evalKey == 0 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 1 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== 2 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 3 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== ? ==> Same as 0.
energyKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble an energy.
== 1 ==> Assemble the energy J(z).
== 2 ==> Assemble the energy 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
residKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a residual.
== 1 ==> Assemble the residual F(z)(v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the residual 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
tangKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a tangent matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix DF(z)(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
massKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a mass matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the mass matrix p(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the mass matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
bumpKey == 0 ==> Do not assemble with bumps.
== 1 ==> Assemble bilinear form with bumps.
== 2 ==> Assemble residual form with bumps.
== ? ==> Same as 1.
em Pointer to element matrix
A Pointer to stiffness matrix
M Pointer to Mass matrix
F Pointer to residual vector

void Aprx_fe2fd ( Aprx thee,
Bvec u,
int  block,
int  nx,
int  ny,
int  nz,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  z0,
double  dx,
double  dy,
double  dz,
int  derivs,
int  outTypeKey 

Interpolates data onto finite difference grid.

Michael Holst, Doug Arnold and Karen Camarda
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (eval.c)
Much is lifted from Aprx_evalFunc, with some ideas from Doug Arnold. Contributed by Karen Camarda.
 * Example:  Below is a matlab example courtesy of Doug Arnold.
 *    %-- BEGIN MATLAB CODE --------------------------------------------------
 *    function colormesh
 *    % This file demonstrates how to go from an unstructured grid to
 *    % a structured one.  Each point on the structured grid is colored
 *    % according to which triangle in the unstructured grid it belongs to.
 *    % Douglas N. Arnold, 3/4/98
 *    % set up a mesh
 *    npts=10;
 *    x=[ 1.13 1.66 0.50 0.46 0.26 0.20 0.70 1.93 1.01 0.65 ];
 *    y=[ 1.81 1.23 0.99 1.30 1.29 1.50 1.10 0.68 0.60 0.07 ];
 *    tri = delaunay(x,y);
 *    ntri=size(tri,1);
 *    % grid spacing
 *    h=.03;
 *    k=.04;
 *    clf
 *    [z,i]=sort(rand(64,1));
 *    colormap hsv;
 *    cmap = colormap;
 *    cmap=cmap(i,:,:);
 *    % loop over triangles
 *    for m = 1:ntri
 *      % get vertices of triangle i
 *      v1=[x(tri(m,1)),y(tri(m,1))];
 *      v2=[x(tri(m,2)),y(tri(m,2))];
 *      v3=[x(tri(m,3)),y(tri(m,3))];
 *      % plot the triangle
 *      ttt=[v1;v2;v3;v1];
 *      line(ttt(:,1),ttt(:,2),'color','green') 
 *      % find bounding box of triangle
 *      xmin = min([v1(1),v2(1),v3(1)]);
 *      xmax = max([v1(1),v2(1),v3(1)]);
 *      ymin = min([v1(2),v2(2),v3(2)]);
 *      ymax = max([v1(2),v2(2),v3(2)]);
 *      % loop through grid points in bounding box, plotting those in triangle
 *      for i = ceil(xmin/h):floor(xmax/h)
 *        for j = ceil(ymin/k):floor(ymax/k)
 *          if intriangle(v1,v2,v3,[i*h,j*k])
 *            % set color according to triangle number
 *        color = cmap(m,:);
 *            line(i*h,j*k,'marker','.','markersize',10,'color',color)
 *          end
 *        end
 *      end
 *    end
 *    function i = intriangle(v1,v2,v3,x)
 *    % INTRIANGLE -- check if a point belongs to a triangle
 *    %                
 *    % f = intriangle(v1,v2,v3,x)
 *    %
 *    % input:
 *    %   v1,v2,v3   2-vectors giving the vertices of the triangle
 *    %   x          2-vector giving the point
 *    %
 *    % output:
 *    %   i          1 if x belongs to the close triangle, 0 else
 *    % map point under affine mapping from given triangle to ref triangle
 *    xhat = (x-v1)/[v2-v1;v3-v1];
 *    % check if mapped point belongs to reference triangle
 *    i = xhat(1) >= 0 & xhat(2) >= 0 & 1-xhat(1)-xhat(2) >= 0;
 *    %-- END   MATLAB CODE --------------------------------------------------
 * ***************************************************************************
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
u solution vector
block index of block
nx number of grids in X coordinates
ny number of grids in y coordinates
nz number of grids in z coordinates
x0 x coordinate of lower grid corner
y0 y coordinate of lower grid corner
z0 z coordinate of lower grid corner
dx Grid spacing in x direction
dy Grid spacing in y direction
dz Grid spacing in z direction
derivs index for different nfunc types
outTypeKey ASCII output or Binary output

void Aprx_initEmat ( Aprx thee,
int  bumpKey,
TT t,
Emat em 

Initialize an element matrix.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (assem.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
bumpKey == 0 ==> Do not assemble with bumps.
== 1 ==> Assemble bilinear form with bumps.
== 2 ==> Assemble residual form with bumps.
== ? ==> Same as 1.
t Pointer to class T
em Pointer to element matrix

void Aprx_initNodes ( Aprx thee  ) 

Make node information.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location

void Aprx_initSpace ( Aprx thee,
int  i,
int  r,
double  phi[],
double  phix[][3],
double  V[],
double  dV[][3] 

Initialize vector test function "i" and its gradient, generated by scalar test function "r" for this element.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
i vector test function index
r scalar test function index
phi values of local basis funcs at integ pt
phix first derivs of local basis funcs at integ pt
V vector test function
dV first derivs of vector test function

void Aprx_interact ( Aprx thee,
Re re,
Re reT,
int *  numR,
int *  numO,
int *  numOYR,
int **  IJA,
int **  IJAYR 

Count the number of basis (linear/quadratic/etc) functions which interact with a given basis function. This is basically an a priori count of the number of nonzeros per row in the stiffness matrix, and the number of nozeros per row above the diagonal (and thus the number of nonzeros per column below the diagonal if we have symmetric nonzero structure). By doing this count, we can one-time malloc storage for matrices before assembly, and avoid extra copies as well as avoid the use of linked list structures for representing matrices with a priori unknown nonzero structure.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
This routine can handle COMPLETELY GENERAL ELEMENTS; all it needs to do is simply compute all interactions of all nodes in the element. The nodes may be any combination of vertex-based, edge-based, face-based (3D only), or simplex-based (interior) degrees of freedom.
This calculation is made possible because all of the node numbers for all of the vertex/edge/face/simplex-nodes in each simplex are available in O(1) time for each element, using the geometry manager routine Gem_simplexInfo().
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
re a reference simplex element object.
reT a reference simplex element object.
numR num of rows in the matrix
numO num of nonzeros we are actually storing in the strict upper-triangle of matrix. (DRC only)
numOYR YSMP-row(col)
IJA integer structure [ IA ; JA ]
IJAYR lower-triangle block from upper triangle block

void Aprx_interactBlock ( Aprx thee,
Re re[MAXV],
Re reT[MAXV],
MATsym  sym[MAXV][MAXV],
MATmirror  mirror[MAXV][MAXV],
MATformat  frmt[MAXV][MAXV],
int  numR[MAXV],
int  numO[MAXV][MAXV],
int *  IJA[MAXV][MAXV] 

Determine all basis function interations.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
re array of reference simplex element objects
reT array of reference simplex element objects
sym symmetry keys for the matrix
mirror block mirror keys for the matrix
frmt Matrix format
numR num of rows in the matrix
numO num of nonzeros we are actually storing in the strict upper-triangle of matrix. (DRC only)
IJA integer structure [ IA ; JA ]

int Aprx_markRefine ( Aprx thee,
int  key,
int  color,
int  bkey,
double  elevel,
Bvec u,
Bvec ud,
Bvec f,
Bvec r 

Mark simplices to be refined.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (estim.c)
If ( (key == -1) || (key == 0) || (key == 1)) ==>
Let geometry manager deal with it.
If (key == 2) ==> Nonlinear residual indicator.
If (key == 3) ==> Dual-weighted residual indicator.
If (key == 4) ==> Local problem indicator.
number of marked simplices
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
key If ( (key == -1) || (key == 0) || (key == 1)) ==>
Let geometry manager deal with it.
If (key == 2) ==> Nonlinear residual indicator.
If (key == 3) ==> Dual-weighted residual indicator.
If (key == 4) ==> Local problem indicator.
color chart type of marked simplices
bkey Bisection type
elevel level to determine the fraction of simplices
u block NODAL solution vector
ud block NODAL dirichlet vector
f block NODAL residual vector
r block NODAL temporary vector

int Aprx_markRefineFixed ( Aprx thee,
int  num2ref,
int  color 

Selects a fixed number/fraction of simplicies to be refined.

Olen Korobkin, Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (estim.c)
   This function is called by Aprx_markRefine if fixed number / 
   fraction of simplices <ilevel> has to be refined. Returns 
   number of marked elements.
Number of marked elements
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
num2ref index for the refined simplex
color chart type of marked simplices

int Aprx_nodeCount ( Aprx thee,
Re re 

Count up the total number of basis functions (nodes). This is basically an a priori count of the number of rows in the stiffness matrix.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
This routine can handle COMPLETELY GENERAL ELEMENTS; see the comments in Aprx_interact().
the total number of basis functions (nodes).
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
re a reference simplex element object.

int Aprx_nodeIndex ( Aprx thee,
Re re,
int  i,
int  dim,
int  q 

Compute global index of node of dimension dim in the matrix.

Michael Holst, Oleg Korobkin
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
global index of node of dimension dim in the matrix
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
re Pointer to the reference elemented to be used
i i-simplex global number
dim interactions index
q number of volume quadrature points

int Aprx_nodeIndexTT ( Aprx thee,
Re re,
TT t,
int  idf 

Given an index of node DF within the simplex and its TT structure, compute global index for that node.

Michael Holst and Oleg Korobkin
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
global index for the node by given an index of node DF within the simplex
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
re Pointer to the reference elemented to be used
t Pointer to class T
idf index of node DF within the simplex

int Aprx_numB ( Aprx thee  ) 

Return the number of blocks.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
the number of blocks
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location

Bmat* Aprx_P ( Aprx thee  ) 

Return a pointer to the current prolongation matrix.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
a pointer to the current prolongation matrix.
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location

int Aprx_part ( Aprx thee,
int  pkey,
int  pwht,
int  ppow 

Do recursive bisection.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (parti.c)
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
pkey index for different partition option
pwht index for weighted partitioning
ppow partitioning steps

int Aprx_partInert ( Aprx thee,
int  pcolor,
int  numC,
double *  evec,
simHelper simH 

Partition the domain using inertial bisection. Partition sets of points in R^d (d=2 or d=3) by viewing them as point masses of a rigid body, and by then employing the classical mechanics ideas of inertia and Euler axes.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (parti.c)
We first locate the center of mass, then change the coordinate system so that the center of mass is located at the origin. We then form the (symmetric) dxd inertia tensor, and then find the set of (real) eigenvalues and (orthogonal) eigenvectors. The eigenvectors represent the principle inertial rotation axes, and the eigenvalues represent the inertial strength in those principle directions. The smallest inerial component along an axis represents a direction along which the rigid body is most "line-like" (assuming all the points have the same mass).
For our purposes, it makes sense to using the axis (eigenvector) corresponding to the smallest inertia (eigenvalue) as the line to bisect with a line (d=2) or a plane (d=3). We know the center of mass, and once we also have this particular eigenvector, we can effectively bisect the point set into the two regions separated by the line/plane simply by taking an inner-product of the eigenvector with each point (or rather the 2- or 3-vector representing the point). A positive inner-product represents one side of the cutting line/plane, and a negative inner-product represents the other side (a zero inner-product is right on the cutting line/plane, so we arbitrarily assign it to one region or the other).
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
pcolor simplex chart type
numC number of columns in the matrix
evec eigenvector
simH simHelper class

int Aprx_partOne ( Aprx thee,
int  pkey,
int  pwht,
int  pcolor,
int  poff 

Do a single bisection step.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (parti.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
pkey partition method
pwht partitioning weighting
pcolor simplex chart type
poff an index

int Aprx_partSet ( Aprx thee,
int  pcolor 

Clear the partitioning (set all colors to pcolor).

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (parti.c)
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
pcolor simplex chart type

int Aprx_partSmooth ( Aprx thee  ) 

Smooth the partitioning.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (parti.c)
counted number of partitions
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location

int Aprx_partSpect ( Aprx thee,
int  pcolor,
int  numC,
double *  evec,
simHelper simH,
int *  ford,
int *  rord,
int  general 

Partition the domain using spectral bisection.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (parti.c)
 *          We solve the following generalized eigenvalue problem:
 *                Ax = lambda Bx
 *           for second smallest eigenpair.  We then return the eigenvector
 *           from the pair.  We make this happen by turning it into a
 *           regular eigenvalue problem:
 *               B^{-1/2} A B^{-1/2} ( B^{1/2} x ) = lambda ( B^{1/2} x )
 *           or rather
 *               C y = lambda y,   where C=B^{-1/2}AB^{-1/2}, y=B^{1/2}x.
 *           The matrix "B" is simply a diagonal matrix with a (positive)
 *           error estimate for the element on the diagonal.  Therefore, the
 *           matrix B^{-1/2} is a well-defined positive diagonal matrix.
 *           We explicitly form the matrix C and then send it to the inverse
 *           Rayleigh-quotient iteration to recover the second smallest
 *           eigenpair.  On return, we scale the eigenvector y by B^{-1/2} to
 *           recover the actual eigenvector x = B^{-1/2} y.
 *           To handle the possibility that an element has zero error, in
 *           which case the B matrix had a zero on the diagonal, we set the
 *           corresponding entry in B^{-1/2} to be 1.
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
pcolor simplex chart type
numC number of columns in the matrix
evec eigenvector
simH simHelper class
ford temporary storage ford array
rord temporary storage rord array
general index for creating different scaling matrix

void Aprx_quadEmat ( Aprx thee,
int  evalKey,
int  energyKey,
int  residKey,
int  tangKey,
int  massKey,
int  bumpKey,
int  face,
TT t,
Emat em,
Bvec Wu,
Bvec Wud 

Build an element matrix and an element load vector for a single given element, using quadrature.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (assem.c)
We handle both the volume and surface cases here, using "face" and "t" as follows:
face < 0 ==> do volume quadrature; we take the node numbers as just the identity mapping.
face >= 0 ==> do face quadrature for face "face", where the node numbers for face are taken from t->loc[face][].
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
evalKey == 0 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 1 ==> Primal problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== 2 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[0+ud].
== 3 ==> Dual problem: evaluation at z=[u+ud].
== ? ==> Same as 0.
energyKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble an energy.
== 1 ==> Assemble the energy J(z).
== 2 ==> Assemble the energy 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
residKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a residual.
== 1 ==> Assemble the residual F(z)(v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the residual 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
tangKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a tangent matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix DF(z)(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the tangent matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
massKey == 0 ==> DON'T assemble a mass matrix.
== 1 ==> Assemble the mass matrix p(w,v).
== 2 ==> Assemble the mass matrix 0.
== ? ==> Same as 0.
bumpKey == 0 ==> Do not assemble with bumps.
== 1 ==> Assemble bilinear form with bumps.
== 2 ==> Assemble residual form with bumps.
== ? ==> Same as 1.
face face < 0 ==> do volume quadrature; we take the node numbers as just the identity mapping.
face >= 0 ==> do face quadrature for face "face", where the node numbers for face are taken from t->loc[face][].
t Pointer to class T
em Pointer to element matrix
Wu block NODAL solution work vector
Wud block NODAL dirichlet work vector

int Aprx_read ( Aprx thee,
int  key,
Vio *  sock 

Read in the user-specified initial mesh given in the "MCSF" or "MCEF" format, and transform into our internal datastructures.
Do a little more than a "Gem_read", in that we also initialize the extrinsic and intrinsic spatial dimensions corresponding to the input mesh, and we also then build the reference elements.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
See the documentation to Gem_read for a description of the mesh input data file format.
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
key input format type key=0 ==> simplex format key=1 ==> edge format key=2 ==> simplex-nabor format
sock socket for reading the external mesh data (NULL otherwise)

int Aprx_refine ( Aprx thee,
int  rkey,
int  bkey,
int  pkey 

Refine the mesh.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
rkey Boolean sets the rkey type for refining the mesh. Input: If (rkey==0) Perform recursive simplex bisection until conformity
If (rkey==1) Perform first quadra-[octa-]-section, followed by recursive simplex bisection until conformity

IMPORTANT NOTE: In 2D, (rkey==1) WILL generate a conforming mesh. However, in 3D, this procedure will in general produce nonconforming simplices. To produce a conforming mesh in 3D would require an implementation covering all possible face refinement combinations (something like 169 cases). This has been done e.g. by Jurgen Bey in AGM, but we are not that patient; use (rkey==0) above if you want a conforming mesh...

If (rkey==2) As a test of the conformity procedure, perform quadra-[octa-]-section until conformity, which should produce a uniformly regularly refined mesh. (In 2D, each triangle should be divided into four children, and in 3D each tetrahedron should be divided into eight children.)

bkey Boolean sets the bkey type for bisecting the mesh If (bkey==0) Bisection type: Longest Edge If (bkey==1) Bisection type: Newest Vertex If (bkey==2) Bisection type: Newest Pair
pkey Boolean sets the pkey type to prolongate a vector

void Aprx_reset ( Aprx thee  ) 

Reset all of the datastructures.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location

int Aprx_unRefine ( Aprx thee,
int  rkey,
int  pkey 

Unrefine the mesh.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (aprx.c)
Success enumeration
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
rkey Boolean sets the rkey type for un-refining the mesh.
pkey Boolean sets the pkey type to prolongate a vector

void Aprx_writeGEOM ( Aprx thee,
Vio *  sock,
int  defKey,
int  colKey,
int  chartKey,
double  gluVal,
int  fkey,
Bvec u,
char *  format 

Write a finite element mesh or mesh function in some format.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (io.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
sock socket for reading the external mesh data (NULL otherwise)
defKey defKey == 0 ==> draw mesh as it is defKey == 1 ==> use "def??" as new vertex coords (deformation) defKey == 2 ==> add "def??" to old vertex coords (displacement)
colKey colKey == 0 ==> color simplices all same default color colKey == 1 ==> color simplices based on their chart colKey == 2 ==> color boundary simplices based on type
chartKey chartKey < 0 ==> draw all simplices chartKey >= 0 ==> draw only simplices with chart chartKey
gluVal gluVal == 1. ==> draw all simplices glued together 0. < gluVal < 1. ==> draw simplices with some separation
fkey fkey == 0 ==> draw simplices fkey == 1 ==> draw only simplex boundary faces fkey == 2 ==> draw only simplices with a boundary face
u block NODAL solution vector
format GV/MATH format

void Aprx_writeSOL ( Aprx thee,
Vio *  sock,
Bvec u,
char *  format 

Write a finite element mesh or mesh function in some format.

Michael Holst
Class Aprx: Non-inlineable methods (io.c)
thee Pointer to an Aprx allocated memory location
sock socket for reading the external mesh data (NULL otherwise)
u block NODAL solution vector
format GV/MATH format

Generated on Mon Aug 9 11:13:45 2010 for MC by  doxygen 1.5.6