sOgl Struct Reference
[Ogl class]

Class Ogl: Definition. More...

#include <ogl.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int frameMode
 frame (0=centered, 1=offset)
int orthoMode
 projection (0=perspect, 1=ortho)
int ballMode
 draw (0=none, 1=draw arcball)
int bboxMode
 draw (0=none, 1=draw bounding box)
int mouseMode
 mouse (0=rotate, 1=scale, 2=translate)
int lightMode
 lighting (0=no, 1=yes)
int backMode
 polybackside dark paint (0=no, 1=yes)
int viewWidth
 width of the plotbox
int viewHeight
 height of the plotbox
float eyezInit
 current eye position up the z-axis
float scale
 current global scaling
float eye [3]
 vector of the view (handles possible translation)
float origin [3]
 origin of the view (handles possible translation)
float trans [3]
 translation matrix
float min [3]
 minimal coordinates of the bbox
float max [3]
 maximal coordinates of the bbox
float bboxCoord [8][3]
 bbox coordinates
int mouseDown
 is mouse button pressed (0=no, 1=yes)
float r0 [3]
 rotation coordinates
float r1 [3]
 rotation coordinates
float r2 [3]
 rotation coordinates
float s1 [3]
 scale array
float s2 [3]
 scale array
float t1 [3]
 translation aray
float t2 [3]
 translation aray
float quat [4]
 quaternion array
float quatDrag [4]
 quatDrag array
int list [10]
 display list settings
int listMode [10]
 listMode array
int ball
 quaternion trackball
int bbox
 bounding box
int bboxUpdate
 index for updating bbox or not

Detailed Description

Class Ogl: Definition.

Michael Holst

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